Thursday 17 September 2015 news editor has resigned

Five days in and the best gossip Scout has uncovered has to do with itself.
Five days in and the best gossip Scout has uncovered has to do with itself.
The news editor of Scout has resigned just four days after the site launched.
Francis Cook, previously of Scoop, announced his resignation on Twitter, claiming the gossip site was "just not for me".
"I resigned from Scout yesterday. It's just not for me. But I wish them the best, and good luck to them. Crazy week. Hello Auckland."
Scout is MediaWorks' new gossip-focused  venture headed up by former New Zealand Herald reporter Rachel Glucina.

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Website launched on Monday, along with a small gossip segment set to run before MediaWorks' flagship news product 3 News.
Cook - not to be confused with Frances Cook, another journalist, or Francis Cooke, QC - moved to Auckland for the role.
He was previously an associate member of the Parliamentary press gallery.
Before he left, Cook penned several pieces for the site, including a contribution to the Red Peak debate and a review of The Weeknd's new album.
The resignation has seemingly not gone into effect immediately, as a piece of his on the Silver Scrolls was published around lunchtime Friday.
Cook declined to comment. MediaWorks have been approached for comment.
This isn't the first chink in Scout's armour, although a sprinkle of controversy is hardly harmful for a gossip site.
Scouts NZ are distancing themselves from the property and considering legal action. Other MediaWorks staff have publicly mocked the site and criticised Glucina.

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